[Eeglablist] artifact detection

Brittany Alperin balperin07 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 22:38:20 PST 2019


I'm running into an issue with artifact detection (an ERPLAB function)
although my error seems to be an EEGLAB error.

I have epochs time locked to an event that are -12200 to 0 ms. I'm using a
simple voltage threshold for that time range for all channels at -90 90 uV.
I've done this without an issue on data with a more standard epoch range
(e.g., -200 to 1000). When I try to run this in Matlab 2016b with the most
recent versions of ERPLAB and EEGLAB, it works, but if I want to
interpolate a channel and then artifact detect, I get the following error:

Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing
expression, but there were 0 results.

Error in markartifacts (line 118)
                  EEG.EVENTLIST.eventinfo(itemzero).flag =

Error in pop_artextval (line 243)
                        [EEG errorm]= markartifacts(EEG, flag,
                        chanArray, ch, i, isRT);

If I run this in Matlab 2012b using ERPLAB 6.1.3 and EEGLAB I
get the same line error, but it says:  "Illegal right hand side in
assignment. Too many elements."

Again, it works as long as I don't interpolate a channel, but I'm not sure
why that would be. Any insights?


*Brittany Alperin*
PhD Candidate
Department of Behavioral Neuroscience
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, OR
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