[Eeglablist] Why are my amplitudes so low?

Tim Göcking tim.goecking at uni-muenster.de
Mon Mar 18 03:32:19 PDT 2019


I am very new to EEG systems and currently struggeling with my dataset. It seems like the recorded amplitude is too low, but I am not sure if that is truly the case.

The EEG was recorded without any external stimuli, just continous data with an eyes open condition.

For understanding purposes, I uploaded two screenshots of the plots which will hopefully illustrate my issue. The plots are created as shown in the tutorial (Plot -> Channel data AND Plot -> Channel spectra and maps). 
Find the uploaded images (2) on the following pages:

Channel Spectra: https://s17.directupload.net/images/190318/qk9d687d.jpg

Channel activites: https://s16.directupload.net/images/190318/tldzs4o3.jpg

I recorded the data with a Brainvision Actichamp, 32 Channel. Software: Pycorder.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Tim Göcking
University of Münster - Bachelor Student 

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