[Eeglablist] Using ERSP baseline spectra with multiple events

Sebastian Sauppe sauppe.s at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 00:13:21 PDT 2019

Dear John,

You could epoch your data into the different task intervals (with as long a pre-trial period for baselining as you need) and then copy the corresponding data from the Rest period into the baseline period of each epoch.

I asked a similar question earlier and got a reply from Andreas Widmann, whose code you could use for this: https://sccn.ucsd.edu/pipermail/eeglablist/2018/014112.html <https://sccn.ucsd.edu/pipermail/eeglablist/2018/014112.html>

Hope that helps!


Dr. Sebastian Sauppe
Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich
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