[Eeglablist] New get_chanlocs plug-in version 2.20 released.

Scott Makeig smakeig at ucsd.edu
Tue Apr 23 15:33:33 PDT 2019

Based on user feedback and our own further testing, *get_chanlocs, *the new
EEGLAB plug-in for low-cost, quick & accurate electrode position localizing
(aka 'digitizing'), now has some new usage features. Its detailed user guide
<http://sccn.ucsd.edu/mediawiki/images/5/5f/Get_chanlocs_userguide.pdf> has
also been updated accordingly [its page numbers in brackets below]:

1. Fiducial selection and documentation are improved: Fiducials define the
electrode coordinate system relative to the head, and error propagation
from poor or inadequately defined fiducial selection can have severe
consequence for later neuroimaging analysis of the data. Users are now
asked to select fiducials in the stored *get_chanlocs* head image at least
twice, with a 2-mm discrepancy limit [p. 18]. In addition, the user guide
now features a guide to (preauricular) ear fiducial locations, and strongly
recommends a standard location definition that is easily found in
*get_chanlocs* head images as well as MR imaging (when available) [p. 16].

2. Automatic channel reordering/labeling [pp. 22-25]: When processing a
*get_chanlocs*-recorded head image that uses the same electrode montage as
a previously saved template model, users may now *select channels* to
locate *in any order*. [Previously, the selection order had to match that
of the template model]. While each electrode location must still be
indicated with a mouse click (during data pre-processing, *NOT* during the
EEG recording session!), a Hungarian assignment implementation reduces
selection errors and increases the speed of selection.

The new version is readily available from the EEGLAB Plug-in web page and
EEGLAB Extensions Manager. Thank you for testing the plug-in and providing
feedback! Please write Clement Lee at cll008 at eng.ucsd.edu with any
questions or comments.

Clement Lee
Scott Makeig

Scott Makeig, Research Scientist and Director, Swartz Center for
Computational Neuroscience, Institute for Neural Computation, University of
California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093-0961, http://sccn.ucsd.edu/~scott

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