[Eeglablist] Re-epoching and time-locking data

JR jrogge at ovgu.de
Mon May 6 08:03:32 PDT 2019

Dear EEGlab-users,

I would like to re-epoch my data with a different time-locking event and 
shorter epochs. My original epochs are stimulus-locked and are limited 
at [-2 4]. The new epochs should be response locked with [-2.5 0.5] limits.

I used the pop_epoch function and assume that the /timelim /- input 
[-2.5 0.5] is relative to the new time-lock event.

I receive "events out of data boundary" messages for a number of epochs 
(strangely enough, it is increasing with longer epochs, e.g. [-3 0.5] ; 
[-3.5 0.5]).

It also appears, that the number of "rejected events" is equal to a 
specific latency cut-off: e.g. if I have a -2.5 lower limit the rejected 
events are those with a latency of < 500. This seems to be 
counterintuitive to me, as the lower latencies should be more likey to 
be included within a time-window.

I am clearly missing something crucial here and really hope you can give 
me the necessary hint.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,



*Julia Rogge, M.Sc. *

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung für Neuropsychologie
Gebäude 24/ Raum 004
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg

Tel.: +49 (0)391 67 58698
Email: julia.rogge at ovgu.de

/International Graduate School on Analysis, Imaging and
Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes /

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