[Eeglablist] ANTEEProbe.CNT file

Elena Geangu elena.geangu at york.ac.uk
Mon Jun 17 11:30:11 PDT 2019


I am using the ANTEEProbe.CNT to upload .cnt files recorded with ASALab to
eeglab. It does this successfully, but I am not sure if it automatically
imports the channel locations information or not. Is there any further
information about this plugin?
Otherwise, I tried to read with eeglab the channel location files provided
with ASALab (e.g., standard_waveguard64.elc), but it fails. Any help in
this respect would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Best wishes

Elena Geangu, PhD

*Assistant Professor*

Psychology Department (room: B003)
University of York
Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

Email: elena.geangu at york.ac.uk
Phone: 01904322865
Lab webpage  <https://emodevlab.com>

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