[Eeglablist] Is dipfit ever used for purposes other than localising source space data?

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Wed Jul 10 11:21:43 PDT 2019

You can use Dipfit to fit dipoles to ERP data or time-frequency data instead of ICA components. However, this needs to be done from the command line. See





On Jul 10, 2019, at 6:49 AM, Downey, Ryan J <RDowney at bme.ufl.edu<mailto:RDowney at bme.ufl.edu>> wrote:

Besides either having a structural MRI of your own or using the generic MRI, you need to register the locations of your electrodes. That requires you either digitizing the locations before you collect EEG data or using estimated locations based on the known electrode montage you used. For example, if you used a 10-5 or 10-20 system, then you can have your channels listed as “Cz”, “Fz”, “Fp1”, “P3”, etc. and auto determine the locations based off the channel name. If the system doesn’t strictly follow the naming convention, then the manufacturer should have provided you with spherical or Cartesian coordinates of your generic electrode locations.

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