[Eeglablist] Comments regarding talk

GUILLERMO SAHONERO ALVAREZ guillermo.sahonero at ucb.edu.bo
Tue Jul 30 12:19:19 PDT 2019

Dear Makoto,

I would like to share some comments about your one hour talk at Santa Fe Institute:

  *   The whole hypothesis perhaps points out to something like a limitation principle. What I try to mean is that, perhaps the amount of information is limited by definition - not only from a practical approach but from a theoretical framework. Did you try to address in any way this?
  *   As ICA algorithms suppose working principles, the 10-20 brain ICs you referred would not be guaranteed to be the same in every subject. This might also be a component to add into the "pessimism". Actually, I would like to know if you have developed some short studies that allowed to observe some kind of pattern of the ICs that are linked to the effective degrees of freedom - maybe even the most important EEG channels.
  *   ECoG relies on having very specific local arrays of microelectrodes. In my opinion, this might not be very suitable to represent the entire brain complexity. On the other hand, a combination of EEG with ECoG could represent an increase of the amount of EDoF, do you know of any work that addressed such idea?

I hope we could exchange some ideas. Thank you for your attention.


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