[Eeglablist] Post-doc Job posting in Boston, MA

Cornelissen, Laura Laura.Cornelissen at childrens.harvard.edu
Tue Sep 10 12:08:09 PDT 2019

I would like to include a job posting in one of the EEG-lab email lists.  Is it possible you could provide the following text in the next update?

Many thanks,
Laura Cornelissen


Post-Doctoral Fellow | Human Neurophysiology | Signal Processing | Pain & Analgesia
Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Job Description
The Berde and Cornelissen collaborative research laboratories at Boston Children’s Hospital are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow
to participate in ongoing research studies that focus on the neurophysiology of pain and analgesia in childhood. The post-holder
will work on projects examining the impact of critical illness on human brain networks and sensory processing, encompassing chronic
sedation and opioid analgesia exposure on neurodevelopment. Candidates who have experience in signal processing of
human electrophysiological data (e.g. time frequency decomposition, source localization), preferably with familiarity of data
collection in the patient setting are strongly encouraged to apply. The post-holder will have the unique opportunity to work on
multi-method (e.g. neurophysiologic, quantitative sensory testing, autonomic, and behavioral) research while gaining knowledge
of developmental neurophysiology research. The postdoctoral fellow will work with Professor Charles Berde and Dr. Laura
Cornelissen, and other members of the laboratories as well as clinical staff and collaborators to ensure smooth and successful
outcomes for this research.

Specific Responsibilities
• To collect and analyze human electrophysiological recordings and quantitative sensory testing data
• To maintain a deep knowledge of neurophysiology and to remain up-to-date in the scientific literature
• To supervise students working in the lab
• To write research reports based on the data results and present data at conferences, scientific symposium and
professional society meetings

Minimum Qualifications
Candidates should have or expect to obtain a PhD in neuroscience, engineering, computer science, or a related discipline

Applicants should submit a cover letter detailing how their specific academic background is relevant to the challenge of
electrophysiology and intensive care/critical care projects, 2 representative publications, and email addresses of three
references. Review of applications will begin immediately.

Contact: Laura.Cornelissen at childrens.harvard.edu<mailto:Laura.Cornelissen at childrens.harvard.edu>
More information: https://neurojobs.sfn.org/jobs/12764323/post-doctoral-fellow-human-neurophysiology-pain-analgesia

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