[Eeglablist] 2 Lectureship positions - University of Sheffield, UK

Liat Levita l.levita at sheffield.ac.uk
Sat Sep 21 02:50:41 PDT 2019

Dear All,

Psychology is advertising two lectureships (Grade 8)
with a preference for one of these to be in a *neuroscience* area. The
existing neuroscience groups within psychology focus on research questions
in a number of sub-disciplinary areas, principally:

   - computational, cognitive and systems neuroscience
   - neuroimaging (in humans and animal models)
   - neurophysiology and neurovascular function
   - developmental cognitive neuroscience

There are lab facilities available to support this research including for
in-vivo electrophysiology and optogenetics, transgenic lines, access to a
range of imaging techniques from cellular to whole-brain (fMRI and EEG),
motion capture, eye-tracking and other psycho-physiological and
psychophysical measurement systems.

We also work closely with many colleagues in other departments across our
University of Sheffield's Neuroscience Institute

See: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology/research

*Closing date *9th October
<http://airmail.calendar/2019-10-09%2012:00:00%20BST>*.  *Any informal
enquiries to HoD, G.Waller at sheffield.ac.uk.

Kind regards,

Dr Liat Levita
Department of Psychology
University of Sheffield

Lab Website: http://levita-lab.group.shef.ac.uk
Dept webpage: http://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/staff/academic/liat_levita

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