[Eeglablist] Bergen Toolbox Matrix computation error

Joy Perrier perrierjoy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 04:37:41 PDT 2019

Dear Eeglab users,

I am trying to use the Bergen Toolbox to remove fMRI artefacts from my EEG

When I come to download the rp file extracted from the fMRI data, I have a
matrix computation error for most of my participants. I only managed to use
the whole Bergen toolbox for 2 participants.

I checked several points:
=> I tried to make the EEG event file and the rp file with the same lenght
but it does not work.

=> I looked at the rp files to see whether something could be different
between data that I can analyze and others

=> I checked whether other markers related to the task could mess things up
but this does not seem to be the case.

 I came to the point that maybe I have NaN or 0 in my dataset but I do not
known how to check for this.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me about this problem...

Best regards,


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