[Eeglablist] Can Dipfit 3.0 (LORETA) only fit dipoles to selected time points or does it create source space time series?

Delorme, Arnaud adelorme at ucsd.edu
Sun Feb 2 03:45:28 PST 2020

Dear Kaelasha,

> My question is, can Dipfit 3.0 be used to reconstruct EEG time series
> within the anatomical ROI, or does Dipfit 3.0 only fit dipoles at selected
> timepoints?

There is some code on the page you are mentioning that allows to look at eLoreta across time in 3-D


Also, this can be done using the ERPsource EEGLAB plugin


> I am wanting to look at cross frequency coupling at specific regions of
> interest within the brain.
> For this, I thought to reconstruct the EEG time series in the ROIs and then
> do further frequency analysis on that data set, to asses levels of cross
> frequency coupling in different ROIs across different conditions.

There is also this other experimental plugin on which I worked on with Stefan Haufe


It does not do cross-frequency coupling though - only within frequency coupling between brain regions. The code could be modified to do cross-frequency though because this plugins does the heavy lifting by performing ROI eLoreta.
For cross-frequency coupling in specific region of the brain, Ramon Martinez in our group is currently working on a solution for EEGLAB. There might be a solution in Fieldtrip already, I am not sure.



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