[Eeglablist] Std dipoleDensity 0.4 Error

Hamed Taheri hamedtaheri at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 9 21:25:54 PST 2020

Hi all,
I am trying to use the last version of Std dipoleDensity v0.4 but each time I get the following error. ( I am using the last version of EEGLAB)

Path set: (this_plugin_root)/dependency/Talairach added.
Index exceeds array bounds.

Error in std_pop_dipoleDensity (line 62)
var2 = STUDY.design(STUDY.currentdesign).variable(1,2).value;
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
I changed the var2 = STUDY.design(STUDY.currentdesign).variable(1,2).value to var2 = STUDY.design.variable.value 
after changing this line the GUI is opened and I can select the clusters, group and colors but I get the following error. 

Reference to non-existent field 'setinds'.

Error in std_dipoleDensity (line 71)
    singletonFieldIdx = find(size(STUDY.cluster(1,2).setinds)==1); % find the slot that is NOT the within-subject condition

Error in std_pop_dipoleDensity (line 226)
std_dipoleDensity(STUDY, ALLEEG, plotParams)
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

Here the problem is setinds and I change the setinds to sets but another error appears. 
I would be so thankful if you could help me to solve this problem.

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