[Eeglablist] loadcnt errors

Mazzini, Sara (Stud. FPN) s.mazzini at student.maastrichtuniversity.nl
Thu Apr 9 02:05:37 PDT 2020

Hello to everyone!

I have a very “basic” question for you. I have been working with EEGLAB for more than a year now, but I suddenly get some erros when trying to import .cnt data.
I do not understand why this is happening or how I can fix it.
I got two different error messages for the two datasets I have tried to import: respectively, "NaN and Inf. not allowed (loadcnt() at line 557)” and “Error in function loadcnt() at line 681. Undefined function of variable ‘e’."
I would really appreciate any idea or suggestion on how to proceed!

Sara Mazzini

Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
Specialization Cognitive Neuroscience

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