[Eeglablist] mass univariate toolbox GND plots

Lea Delfmann lea.delfmann at student.uva.nl
Sat May 2 03:59:03 PDT 2020

Dear eeglab team!

I have a question regarding the mass univariate toolbox and cluster based
permutation tests.
Everything worked fine and I got nice plots, but whenever I close matlab
and then start it again, I do not get real plots anymore but just empty
grey ones.

The first time I tried to redo everything from the start I got the message
that matlab removed fieldtrip because it would interfere with something
Then I got the real plots again.
However, this time it did not work and also removing the fieldtrip folder
from the whole path did not work.

Instead I now get empty plots again and the following error message when I
do the clustGND test:

Error using axes
Axes cannot be a child of ColorBar.

Error in sig_raster (line 737)
    axes(cbar_ax); hold on;

Error in clustGND (line 562)

I think that something might still interfere with the command but I have no
idea what it is, as it worked before and then did not anymore.
Could you help me?


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