[Eeglablist] Script Writing - cell of string vs char

Shiri Spitz sspitz1 at colgate.edu
Tue May 5 14:25:59 PDT 2020

Hi Nicholas,

No idea if this addresses your underlying issue, but as a sort of bandaid
to your problem you might get away with just casting your cell array as a
matrix, e.g.,
svPath = cell2mat({'C:/some_other_location/eeg_otherData.set'})

Best of luck!

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 3:18 PM Nick Heredia <n_heredia at u.pacific.edu> wrote:

> To whom it may concern,
> I used your pages to help automate my processes. I understand there are a
> few ways to create strings (for the purpose of loading and save
> directories).
> My issue is that I come across errors that push me to format the strings in
> different ways. Apologies if this is already featured in your
> documentation.
> For example, when I create a load directory, it is a 1x1 cell of a string
> ldPath={'C:/some_location/eeg_data.set'}.
> This line is slightly deceiving because I don't declare an explicit string;
> rather I iterate through my subjects and hours and use strcat() to bring
> the subject number and the hour numbers together to load and save my data.
>  The above method creates a 1x1 cell, as I mentioned, which works passing
> through in pop_importdata. However, I use the same variable method
> svPath={'C:/some_other_location/eeg_otherData.set'}
>  for pop_newset, and this method doesn't work. I have to pass svPath{:}.
> The implication is that I have to pass a cell array to pop_importdata, but
> a char string to pop_newset. Is there a reason for this disparity?
> --
> With Gratitude
> -
> Nicholas Heredia
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Shiri Spitz
EEG Lab Manager/Tech
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Neuroscience Program
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