[Eeglablist] A (Super) Quick Question on Filtering

Andreas Widmann widmann at uni-leipzig.de
Thu Jun 4 03:07:53 PDT 2020

Hi Mark,

> If I seek to, in scripting, filter EEG data from 1 to 30Hz on the command
> line, are the two lines of code below ok? I am not familiar with the
> specifics of filtering and I would really appreciate some advice in the
> right direction:
> temp = pop_eegfiltnew(EEG, 1, 0, [], 0);
> EEG = pop_eegfiltnew(temp, [],30,132,0,[],0);
In principle this should give you a bandpass filter with a passband from 1 to 30 Hz, yes. Note, that filters are preferably reported with cutoff frequencies rather than band edges. Therefore, when reporting this filter add the information that 1-30 Hz refers to passband edges. Find information on true cutoff frequency, filter order, and transition band width on the command line and preferably report these.

The syntax is different between your two lines. Once you specify the missing band edge as 0 and once as empty. You specify also the additional command line options differently between lines. Intended? This makes the code hard to read (but not wrong).

Hope this helps,

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