[Eeglablist] Methods question: Resting EEG and machine learning

Judy,Rachel L rachel.judy at ufl.edu
Fri Jul 10 07:44:08 PDT 2020

Hello all,

Our lab has resting EEG data (10 mins of continuous data) collected from participants across 3 different time points.
After preprocessing and cleaning we are feeding data into a machine learning algorithm. The data are in electrode space and we are feeding the learner an average voltage across time for each electrode. We have some concerns with this approach but we found this paper by Yildirim 2019 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6406978/pdf/ijerph-16-00599.pdf__;!!Mih3wA!Tjzk5yJ1J_B2bnKc5KaAQQFE2Sswl0OC9srjmcesYbrNUYwTp0pg5OBg27sEu1gpVi3yUw$  that uses a similar technique but we remain cautious given issues with meaningful interpretation of a potential difference in resting voltage between subjects and between different data collection sessions. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on the validity and reliability of using voltages in this manner?

Many thanks


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