[Eeglablist] CleanLine plugin not removing 60hz noise?

Charisse Pickron cpickron at umn.edu
Sun Jul 12 11:41:23 PDT 2020

Hi All,
I've been doing a bit of reading about using the CleanLine plugin, the
benefits of this over say bandpass and notch filter. However I'm finding
that my data does not seem to be "cleaned" after running this plugin.
*EEGLab version: v2019.1
*Data: Collected on 128 EGI Hydrocel net
*Data is continuous, .1hz highpass filter, large sections of bad data have
been rejected, and it has been re-referenced to the Average Referenced
PRIOR to submitting it to CleanLine.
                *I plan to run ICA later in the pipeline and because I
don't have quite enough data to epoch before ICA (based on EEGLab
suggestions) until after ICA, which is why CleanLine is run on continuous
data. However open to other input.

Looking at the spectral map (Plots >  Channel spectra map) I see a large
60hz spike and with closer inspection the window is about 58:62hz.
I've tried to be diligent following different past EEGLab threads about
CleanLine and see that CleaLine doesn't work for some data based on the
type of LineNoise. I've followed some of the Tips found in the readme
documents of CleanLine, but not seeing a clear difference. My tentative
plan is to notch filter 58:62Hz.

*Below is some text that comes with the output as CleanLine is running, not
sure if this is informative for anyone to help understand why CleanLine
doesn't seem to be working:
Cleaning Chan 1...
Computing spectral power...
Average noise reduction: 60.06 Hz: 10.75 dB
Cleaning Chan 2...
Computing spectral power...
Average noise reduction: 60.06 Hz: 10.59 dB
Cleaning Chan 12...
Computing spectral power...
Average noise reduction: 60.06 Hz: 10.68 dB

Many Thanks!
Charisse B. Pickron, Ph.D.
President's Postdoctoral Fellow | Institute of Child Development |
University of Minnesota | umn.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
cpickron at umn.edu

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