[Eeglablist] Average topoplots

Sean Gilmore sean.gilmore at ryerson.ca
Tue Jul 14 12:35:14 PDT 2020

To list,

I have an repeated measures experiment that has 26 participants, and 6 different trials. I have FFT data for each participant and each trial. I would like to make average topoplots for each trial (averaging across participants) that reflect the activity at a specific frequency (1.25 Hz). 

For a single participant I am able to extract a vector of amplitudes across channels. I can use this along with EEG.chanlocs to create a topoplot for each trial. However, I now need how to create topoplots that reflect the average (across participants) activity at 1.25 Hz for each trial.

Does anyone know what the best way to do this is? 

Is there a way that I can use the output of the topoplot() function to create averages across participants? 

Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated. 
Sean Gilmore, M.A. (PhD candidate) 
Department of Psychology
Ryerson University

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