[Eeglablist] How to Produce Spline interpolated isovoltage maps with EEGLAB

Isil Bilgin bilginlab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 16:24:24 PDT 2020

Dear All,

I keep encountering "Spline interpolated isovoltage maps" in papers but
cannot find any explanation regarding how they are produced. From my
search, I only found this solution for a similar type of question asked
years go https://sccn.ucsd.edu/pipermail/eeglablist/2006/001610.html but
this simply creates difference scalp voltage maps rather than doing spline

So I was wondering is there any plugin or function in EEGLAB that would
help me to create such maps for the difference ERPs I want to produce, and
if you could share your recommendations with me please.

Thank you very much for your replies in advance,

Kind regards
Isil Bilgin

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