[Eeglablist] error in cleanLineNoise

Anna Kasdan avkasdan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 15:14:52 PDT 2020

Hi all,

I am getting the following error when trying to run cleanLineNoise
from the PREP pipeline. I've downloaded the version 0.55.3, and have
also tried installing/reinstalling both through the GUI and not to
understand if this is a version error, which it seems not to be. Is
this related to some other matlab dependency, or something else?

Thanks very much,

Error using betapdf (line 60)
Undefined function 'lgamma' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in betainv (line 87)
    h     = (betacdf (y_old, a, b) - x) ./ betapdf (y_old, a, b);

Error in finv (line 58)
  inv(k) = ((1 ./ betainv (1 - x(k), n/2, m/2) - 1) * n / m);

Error in testSignificantFrequencies (line 76)
sig = finv(1 - p, 2, 2*K - 2); % F-distribution based 1-p% point

Error in fitSignificantFrequencies (line 33)
[Fval, A, f, sig] = testSignificantFrequencies(data, lineNoise);

Error in removeLinesMovingWindow (line 61)
            fitSignificantFrequencies(datawin, f0, lineNoise);

Error in cleanLineNoise (line 57)
parfor ch = chans

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