[Eeglablist] pop_writebva missing header info

Roy Cox roycox.roycox at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 04:10:07 PDT 2020


I've been using pop_writebva to convert an eeglab struct to a brainvision
file. This works, and I can read it back in using pop_loadbv without

(Minor question: what's the difference between pop_loadbv and pop_loadbva?)

However, I noticed that other platforms complain about missing resolution
information in the header file, e.g., Fieldtrip:

*Warning: unknown resolution (i.e. recording units) for channel 1 in *

Looking at the header, this info is indeed missing:

*[Channel Infos]; Each entry: Ch<Channel number>=<Name>,<Reference channel
name>,; <Resolution in microvolts>,<Future extensions..; Fields are
delimited by commas, some fields might be omited (empty).; Commas in
channel names are coded as " ".Ch1=C3-M2,, Ch2=C4-M1,, *

In case yet other software platforms deem this header information
essential, how can I calculate/pass channel resolution into the header?

Many thanks,


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