[Eeglablist] Survey on manufacturer defects in neuroscience

Marta Bortoletto martabortoletto at yahoo.it
Mon Oct 19 08:13:22 PDT 2020

Dear EEGlab community,As many of you, I work with several research instruments (EEG, TMS, tDCS, neuronavigation system, eyetracker, ect...).In the lab where I work, we recently found a manufacturer defect in our instrumentation that was likely going to contaminate our data. We have been wondering how often this may happen...whether we have just been very unlucky or if it is a bigger problem.
To have a glimpse on this issue, I have launched a survey on twitter. 

Please, cast your vote and let us know your experience, whether you had this problem, you did not have this problem, or your trusted your instrument.

Marta Bortoletto, PhD 
Cognitive Neuroscience Section,
 IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli 
Via Pilastroni 4, 25125 Brescia, Italy 
Phone number: (+39) 0303501597 E-mail: marta.bortoletto at cognitiveneuroscience.it
 web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cognitiveneuroscience.it/__;!!Mih3wA!WG3-lJHrX5GqddIUo5VfkU15-dOznMoWNfwzEGY7do8Kguay4xM85oKgl8J-7y7RRGnMoA$ 

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