[Eeglablist] Issues Displaying Markers Using EEGLAB and LSL for Unity

Jesus Lopez jesusjlopez619 at tamu.edu
Sun Jan 24 08:10:04 PST 2021


Our lab is collecting EEG data using LiveAmpLSL for Unity to be processed
and analyzed using EEGLAB. Currently, the output consists of an xdf file
with three streams, one for eye tracking data, one for the EEG data itself,
and one for the markers related to the task.

Importing this file to EEGLAB, we have been unable to integrate the markers
stream into the EEG data stream so that the markers are present within the
EEG time series.
Would anyone be able to help with this issue? We're unsure if there is an
issue with the way these streams have been implemented, or if there is
another option to merge the markers with the actual time-series. Please let
me know if there is any other information I may have left out that is
necessary to help.

I have attached an example file below.

Thank you for your help,

Jesus Lopez

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