[Eeglablist] problems reading triggers with new loadcurry version (3.2.3)

Mar Cordero mar.cordero.rull at gmail.com
Tue May 4 02:23:48 PDT 2021

Dear eeglablist members,

I am writing to you concerning an issue I am currently having when
importing my EEG data with the recent eeglab plugin loadcurry version
3.2.3. I acquire data with a SynAmps2 Neuroscan system, with the Curry 8
software version 8.0.6 XS-T. The new system version generates the new file
extension .cdt.cpo, along with .cdt and .cdt.ceo files. Originally, I have
a total of 790 triggers for each of my datasets. Some of the numbers I use
are unique, to distinguish each of my 148 individual sentence stimuli, and
some I use to group my stimuli by conditions so they repeat several times
along the trials. The problem is that instead, when I import the data in
Matlab, none of them are read correctly and more triggers/events are added:
4 out of 28 of my datasets contain 833 and the rest have more than 2000...
and some of them are inserted as negative values.
I checked this in the Curry 8 system of the lab I work in and the list
seems to be fine, except for 2 bad events that the system added. Moreover,
there was an issue with the system's parallel port cable: the 8 last
trigger numbers (from 247 to 255, both included) were not recognized and
"r" + digit (e.g. r6) trigger was displayed instead.

Please find an example for three of my subject datasets attached.
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KXwpubdIIUCnaFzl2RYXGSnnrSy3bbj3/view?usp=drive_web__;!!Mih3wA!Qf3cMx_wCo4gUHlKqfyD8RQxBExEzrRZa-YVqRBHJqUUKDC5hVBGBpIQhmZoRU3GhAWfSA$ >

Do you have any idea of what the problem is could be? Do you have any
suggestions to solve/correct this problem?

Thank you very much in advance.

Mar Cordero
PhD Candidate CNRS, BCL

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