[Eeglablist] Postdoc Position at Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre

Jiaxiang ZHANG jiaxiangzhang at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 01:28:01 PDT 2021

[Apologize for cross-posting]

Dear all,

We are seeking an enthusiastic early-career scientist for a research
associate position at Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre
(CUBRIC). The successful candidate will join a collaborative and
multidisciplinary research team to work on the neurocognitive mechanisms of
human decision-making, integrating multimodal brain imaging (MEG,
functional MRI and diffusion MRI) and computational modelling.

The post holder will develop computational models that describe data from
behavioural and brain imaging experiments, in particular to take a lead
role in integrating large-scale computational simulations with imaging
results from multiple modalities. The research aims to understand the
computational and neurocognitive processes of human decision-making, and
how decision deficits may arise due to brain injury or neurodegeneration.
The research associate will also be expected to collaborate with other
researchers in the team on imaging data analyses and data curation.

You will have access to imaging facilities at CUBRIC and several multimodal
imaging datasets. Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
houses a unique combination of state-of-the-art facilities and
world-leading expertise, with 4 human MRI systems (2 x Siemens Prisma, 1 x
Siemens Connectom, 1 x Siemens 7T), MEG, EEG, TMS, tDCS, clinical research
units and testing labs. Further details of CUBRIC can be found on our
webpage (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sites.cardiff.ac.uk_cubric&d=DwIBaQ&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=kB5f6DjXkuOQpM1bq5OFA9kKiQyNm1p6x6e36h3EglE&m=CIhzKvXriJ3KSuEtw4neIjIraEg54id25loQN7zOEpI&s=qU88h5QSN5AqKdlqnmlZbfT2XrVm2Etq0uE3Z3tRte8&e= ).

This is a full-time, fixed-term position until February 2023, available to
start now. Remote working is possible if COVID-19 restrictions are in
place. For informal enquiries, please contact Dr Jiaxiang Zhang (
zhangj73 at cardiff.ac.uk).

A formal application needs to be submitted via the link online (
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.jobs.ac.uk_job_CEQ831_research-2Dassociate&d=DwIBaQ&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=kB5f6DjXkuOQpM1bq5OFA9kKiQyNm1p6x6e36h3EglE&m=CIhzKvXriJ3KSuEtw4neIjIraEg54id25loQN7zOEpI&s=OWHUqgAEn6Q43SUZ13JjuPTVihI3m657e95n0EMKFCg&e= ). *Application
deadline: June 13th, 2021.*

*Essential Criteria*

   1. A PhD degree in a relevant discipline (e.g., mathematics, computer
   science, engineering, physics or psychology)
   2. Research experience or a strong interest in human decision-making
   3. Strong experience in computational models of cognitive processes
   and/or macroscopic neural systems, including the use of neural mass models
   or neural field models
   4. Experience of analysing brain imaging data in one or more modalities
   (e.g., diffusion MRI, BOLD functional MRI, MEG/EEG), using common software
   5. Strong programming skills (e.g., Matlab, Python, C/C++ or R)
   6. Experience with Unix/Linux environment for data analysis, including
   bash scripting and parallel computing on high-performance clusters
   7. Proven ability to publish high-quality research in peer-reviewed
   academic journals
   8. Knowledge of software development cycles and best programming
   practices, including coding standards, version control administration,
   debug and code sharing, with strong commitments to open science practices
   9. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, evidenced by
   publications and/or conference presentations
   10. Strong interpersonal skills, including proven ability to work
   cooperatively within a team while also being able to take the initiative

*Desirable Criteria *

   1. Experience of brain functional and structural connectivity analyses
   2. Experience in statistical methods (e.g., GLM, mixed models,
   multivariate statistics, hierarchical models and Bayesian statistics)
   and/or machine learning methods
   3. Experience in deep learning models of imaging processing

Dr. Jiaxiang Zhang
Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
School of Psychology
Cardiff University
Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

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