[Eeglablist] Time frequency analysis plotting and baseline (and powerbands)

Babke Weenk babkeweenk at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 16 03:26:59 PDT 2021

Hello all!
I am trying to get a mean time frequency plot over different participants. Now I loaded the different datasets in EEGlab, but I cannot seem to get the average time-frequency plot. For one participant, this is my code:
figure; pop_newtimef(EEG, 1, 32, [-2000  1998], [3  12] , 'topovec', 1, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, 'caption', 'CPz', 'baseline',[-300 -100], 'alpha',0.05, 'freqs', [0 20], 'freqscale', 'log', 'plotphase', 'off', 'padratio', 1);
(First of all, does it look right to you? I am trying to look at theta and alpha waves after stimulus onset.)

I think I should be doing someting with the first "EEG" or with 'mean(matrix_name,1);", but I do not understand what exactly. Do you have advice?

I also wondered whether it is bad that my baseline is -300, -100 while my whole epoch goes back until 2 seconds. Especially when I want to look at average power (dB ). I am trying to do that via this code:

figure; pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 38, [-2000  1998], [0] , 'topovec', 38, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, 'caption', '012 Fz - post (frontal theta)', 'baseline',[-300 -100], 'freqs', [4 5 6 7], 'plottype', 'curve', 'mcorrect', 'fdr', 'plotphase', 'off', 'nfreqs', 4);

But I assumed that when they take average dB, they also take it before stimulus onset, or no?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


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