[Eeglablist] Running ICA

Sarvenaz Changizi sarvenaz.changizi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 03:00:27 PDT 2023

Hi everyone,

After running ICA, I use automatic ICA labeling, and it shows different
components (Brain, Eye, Heart, Other, and...) with a percentage...

I want to know, are there any defined criteria for removing a component
based on its percentage? For example, should we remove the eye component
(blinking) if the percentage is above 50% or... ??

I read different references in this regard, but I could not find the same
idea or criteria among them...


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Sarvenaz Changizi

Ph.D. Student & Researcher in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Methodology | University of Valencia

«ERI-Lectura Lab»
sarvenaz.changizi at uv.es
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 , 46010 Valencia

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