[Eeglablist] PACtools STUDY

Alexis Koffman alexiskoffman at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 16:56:21 PDT 2023


I have been able to use PACtools to look at the phase amplitude coupling on
an individual subject level but when trying to do my group-level analysis
for PACtools in STUDY eeglab, I keep getting this message:

'std_pacprecom: Frequency values are not consistent with the computed ITC

This may happen when the frequency resolution of the input vector is higher
than the

one already computed. Consider, Modifying your frequency input vector or
recompute the ITC

I have already computed the ERSP/ITC. Has anyone gotten this message before
or know why it comes up or how to fix it? When looking through the codes on
the PACtools, this message comes up but it's not clear how to fix it.

I am trying to look at Delta, Theta and Gamma but my task is short and so
my time window is small (epoched for  -1000 2000). This is the ERSP/ITC
parameters I have used: cycles',[1.5 0.5],'freqs',[1 50],'nfreqs', 100,
'ntimesout', 100, 'padratio', 2,'winsize', 2, 'verbose', 'on'

and I have tried to use this also: 'cycles', [3 0.8], 'freqs',[1
50],'nfreqs', 100, 'ntimesout', 100, 'padratio', 2,'winsize', 2, 'verbose',

Any help to understand the issue or how to get PACtools to work for the
STUDY level would be great!

Thank you!

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