[Eeglablist] LIMO: Two samples t-test from GUI - "Error using fullfile (line 103), All inputs must be strings, character vectors, or cell arrays of character vectors"
Elisabetta Pisanu
ecpisanu at gmail.com
Sun Jul 23 02:35:52 PDT 2023
hmm, I see... I'm using v 3.3, I ran the two samples t-test yesterday. So,
you suggest me to use scripts or update to v3.4, right? Is this version
(3.4) stable with eeglab 2021? Sorry to ask, but I had troubles in the past
with old versions of LIMO and now I'd like to be sure that everything works
fine :)
Thanks a lot!
Il giorno sab 22 lug 2023 alle ore 20:20 Dr Cyril Pernet <
wamcyril at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> The script is fine btw - 3.3 has been weirdly batched before the workshop
> but now Ll is back to normal as far as I could tell/test
> Sent from my phone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Elisabetta Pisanu via eeglablist <eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu>
> Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 16.17
> To: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
> Subject: [Eeglablist] LIMO: Two samples t-test from GUI - "Error using
> fullfile (line 103), All inputs must be strings, character vectors, or cell
> arrays of character vectors"
> Hello everyone,
> I tried to run a two samples t-test, selecting 2 groups, beta files,
> parameter 1 (I have 3 parameters within subjects but I need to run the
> t-test only on the first one).
> I use LIMO 3.3 along with EEGLAB 2021. The study I created has 3 parameters
> (3 conditions) within subjects and 3 groups. I need to run two samples
> t-test to compare each group with the other.
> However, it only seems to work via script as from the GUI I get the
> following error:
> Error using fullfile (line 103)
> All inputs must be strings, character vectors, or cell arrays of character
> vectors.
> Error in limo_random_select (line 519)
> sub_LIMO =
> load(cell2mat(fullfile(LIMO.data.data_dir{gp}(sub),'LIMO.mat')));
> Error in limo_random_effect>Two_Samples_t_test_Callback (line 202)
> limo_random_select('two-samples
> t-test',handles.chan_file,'nboot',handles.b,'tfce',handles.tfce,'type','Channels');
> Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
> feval(varargin{:});
> Error in limo_random_effect (line 29)
> gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
> Error in
> matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)limo_random_effect('Two_Samples_t_test_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
> Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
> When I run the following code, it seems to work:
> chanlocs = '/XXX/RME_ASD/LIMO/limo_gp_level_chanlocs.mat';
> Files{1} =
> '/XXX/RME_ASD/LIMO/derivatives/LIMO_RME-ASD_3GP/Beta_files_Gp-ASD_RME-ASD_3GP_RME-ASD_3GP.design1_GLM_Channels_Time_OLS.txt';
> %first group
> Files{2} =
> '/XXX/RME_ASD/LIMO/derivatives/LIMO_RME-ASD_3GP/Beta_files_Gp-LA_RME-ASD_3GP_RME-ASD_3GP.design1_GLM_Channels_Time_OLS.txt';
> %second group
> LIMOPath = limo_random_select('two-samples
> t-test',chanlocs,'LIMOfiles',Files,...
> 'analysis_type','Full scalp analysis',
> 'type','Channels','parameter',[1;1],'nboot',1000,'tfce',0);
> Can someone help me? I would like to know what is going on, also to be sure
> about the results from the code...
> Thanks in advance,
> Elisabetta
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