[Eeglablist] Talairach coordinates & distances between components

Naeem, Jasim jnaeem at dcscorp.com
Tue Aug 8 09:03:59 PDT 2023

Hello all,

I've been trying to use the eeg_lookup_talairach function from the Measurement Projection Toolbox to identify the Brodmann areas for our components, but I keep getting the error "Unable to resolve the name 'org.talairach.Database'." Has anyone successfully used this EEGLAB function? I've tried editing the filepath in the function to match my directories to where the executable Jar file is but that hasn't solved anything.

I am also trying to calculate the Euclidean distances between neural components, but I have no idea what units these are in. My assumption is that it's in mm, but I would greatly appreciate some confirmation.

Thank you,

Jasim Naeem
Research Engineer
DCS Corp/US Army Research Lab

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