August 18, 2002


Reply to Technical Comment on Makeig et al., Science, Jan. 25, 2002


In our recent Science paper(1), we argued that most features of the averaged event-related potential (ERP) following brief non-target visual stimuli in our data were best explained as arising from partial phase resetting of multiple ongoing EEG processes rather than from an (overlapping) series of brief, monophasic potentials (with fixed-latency and polarity), independent of ongoing EEG processes and concomitant to bursts of stimulus-evoked neural activity in sensory (and other) cortical areas. We demonstrated, first, a robust post-stimulus partial phase-consistency in our single trials, and a 15-dB pre-to-post stimulus power increase in the ERP averages in the absence (at nearly all scalp sites) of significant related power increases in the single-trial data. [The commenters] suggest these facts could be explained by the presence of what we might call 'true' ERP activity that, while quite small relative to the ongoing (but phase-random) EEG signals, dominated the averaged ERP by appearing at the same latency and polarity following all (or most) stimulus onsets. They use this model to construct simulated data superficially resembling our key figure ((1), Fig. 2). However, close inspection of our Fig. 2 shows that the key assumption they use to build their simulation is not relevant to our data.


They assume that, as we demonstrated (Fig. 2, upper panel), the 10% of trials with highest post-stimulus alpha power were dominated by trials in which the posterior alpha was phase-negative at stimulus onset, the 10% of trials with lowest post-stimulus alpha (Fig. 2, lower panel) must conversely have been dominated by trials in which posterior alpha at stimulus onset was phase-positive. If so, these trials might have actually subtracted out the 'true-ERP' features from the average of these trials by phase cancellation. Unfortunately for this suggestion, the lowest (blue) trace in our Fig. 2 clearly shows this was not the case for our lowest-alpha data. Inter-trial coherence (ITC), a measure of non-uniform phase distribution shown in the bottom traces of the figure, was not significant at stimulus onset, meaning that the phase of whatever alpha activity was present in the lowest-alpha power trials was randomly distributed and did not, therefore, decrease the 'true-ERP' activity through phase cancellation (2). Our key point stands, that in this 15-subject data set 'true' ERP activity, as estimated from the trials with lowest alpha activity, was very small at best.


A fall-back position suggested to us by another ERP researcher might be that the 'true' ERP was generated only when alpha activity appeared in single trials. This proposal is weakened, however, by another result we presented(3). At frequencies across the ERP frequency range, the scalp topography of spectral power in the mean ERPs strongly resembled the mean topography of power in the whole EEG at the same frequencies. Thus, the 'true' ERP activity in our data unrelated to ongoing EEG processes must have (a) appeared only during alpha activity, and (b) with its same scalp distribution.


Further, such a 'true' ERP model assumes (c) that ongoing EEG processes did not undergo partial phase resetting following stimulation. This assumption seems to us improbable, since a large number of theoretic and experimental demonstrations have shown that strong inputs to nonlinear systems that produce oscillatory activity very often produce reproducible phase perturbations or 'phase resetting' (3). Thus, and in the absence of independent evidence to support it, a true-ERP plus unperturbed-EEG model for our data seems to us both unwieldy and implausible.


Instead, several convergent facts about our data lead us to tentatively conclude that the averages of single-trial EEG data we showed were dominated by partial phase-resetting of processes composing the whole EEG activity. Motivated by this conclusion, we presented results of decomposition by Independent Component Analysis (ICA)(4) of the ongoing single-trial EEG activity recorded during 100-ms post-stimulus (N1) intervals that identified several EEG sources of phase-reset activity in the ERP. We reported that such decomposition produced classes of EEG components that strongly resembled traditionally labeled EEG processes, and that these components had scalp maps compatible with synchronous activity occurring within compact regions of cortex. These findings, since largely replicated by us for other data sets, suggest that ICA, applied to suitable collections of single-trial data from EEG (and/or MEG) experiments, may give accurate information about the event-related dynamics of ongoing brain electromagnetic processes.


In general, the problem of determining the dynamics and spatial distribution of electromagnetic brain activity from observations on the scalp is mathematically underdetermined. Synchronous activity within the cortical neuropile creates far-field potentials on the scalp, and scalp electrodes or magnetic sensors each record the sum of all such activities generated in any suitably-oriented region of cortex. The inverse problem of identifying the cortical contributors and their signals from the recorded EEG and/or MEG data can be separated into two parts: first, decomposing the recorded data into sums of spatially separable (and often overlapping) field maps generated by activity within spatially or functionally separable cortical regions, and second determining the spatial distribution of each identified cortical area. Unfortunately, neither part of the problem is uniquely determined.


The first part, linearly unmixing the putative contributions of active generator regions to the recorded scalp signals, may be accomplished in any number of ways (just as 4 = 2+2 = 3+1 = -3+7, etc.). Deciding on a unique, functionally meaningful solution requires making additional assumptions. The standard ERP model uses one such linear decomposition (Recorded Data = EEG + ERP); our ICA model uses another (Recorded Data = Sum of independent EEG processes). The intimate relationships between average ERP and single-trial EEG activity we demonstrated in our data lead us to believe that for these data our ICA model is more plausible though final judgment, possibly including elements of both models, will require independent physiological evidence.


Though the results we presented, and our interpretation of them, pose fundamental challenges to the dominant interpretation of event-related potential (ERP) and magnetic–field (ERF) data, similar objections have in fact been raised over nearly three decades by others (5-7). In our paper, we were careful to point out that partial phase resetting is most probably not a sufficient or parsimonious explanation for all ERP phenomena – for example small, early potentials associated with primary sensory cortices, and near-DC ERP features. We do firmly believe, however, that exploring dynamic properties of single event-related EEG (and MEG) epochs will lead to new discoveries about event-related brain dynamics. Related non-averaging approaches to analyzing event-related brain imaging and other biological data may also prove fruitful (8).



Scott Makeig

Marissa Westerfield

Tzyy-Ping Jung


Sigurd Enghoff

Jeanne Townsend

Eric Courchesne

Terrence J. Sejnowski







References and Notes:

1.         S. Makeig et al., Science 295, 690-93 (2002).

2.         Since across all the more than 13,000 trials we analyzed, alpha phase at stimulus onset was uniformly distributed, the compensatory positive-phase imbalance was, instead, distributed over the 80% of trials with intermediate levels of post-stimulus alpha activity, rather than in the 10% of no-alpha or low-alpha power trials shown in our Fig. 2.

3.         Figure 1A and 1B in (1).

4.         S. Makeig, A. J. Bell, T.-P. Jung, T. J. Sejnowski, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, 145-151 (1996).

5.         E. Ba*sar, Brain function and oscillations, Springer series in synergetics (Springer, Berlin ; New York, 1998).

6.         M. E. Brandt, B. H. Jansen, J. P. Carbonari, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 80, 16-20 (1991).

7.         B. M. Sayers, H. A. Beagley, Nature 251, 608-9 (1974).

8.         J.-R. Duann et al., Neuroimage 15, 823-35 (2002).