This dir contains original Matlab functions from the EEGLAB (formerly ICA/EEG) Matlab toolbox, all released under the Gnu public license (see eeglablicence.txt). See the EEGLAB tutorial and reference paper (URLs given below) for more information. Sub-directories: /functions - All distributed EEGLAB functions (admin, sigproc, pop, misc) /plugins - Directory to place all downloaded EEGLAB plug-ins. dipfit (1.0) is present by default /sample_data - Miscellaneous EEGLAB data using in tutorials and references /sample_locs - Miscellaneous standard channel location files (10-10, 10-20) See the EEGLAB web site for more. To use EEGLAB: 1. Place the Matlab functions in a directory ($DIR) and add $DIR/eeglab4.x to (Unix) your matlabpath environment variable. Else, within Matlab >> addpath('full_path_here') 2. Optional: Edit file "icadefs.m" under the function directory to specify the location of the faster binary "ica" function (equivalent to Matlab runica() and called from within Matlab by binica()). This requires a (recommended) separate download from Also add the path to the EEGLAB tutorial. This requires another (recommended) download. See File "icadefs.m" also specifies various limits and constants used in EEGLAB functions. 3. Then start Matlab and type >> eeglab 4. Open the main EEGLAB tutorial page (your downloaded "eeglabtut.html", else browse 5. Please send feedback and suggestions to: 6. In publications, please reference: Delorme, A., Makeig, S. (in press) EEGLAB: An open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics including independent component analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Enjoy using EEGLAB to explore and analyze your data. Consider contributing to your functions and creativity to EEGLAB open source development (see for more details). Arno Delorme & Scott Makeig Fri Sep 6 11:44:29 PDT 2002