Fast Categorization in monkeys and humans

Task and Constraints

Visual Categorization of natural images by humans and monkeys (A)

Animal / Non Animal (Target = Animal) or Food / Non Food (Food = target)

Central brief presentation: 30ms - No time for eye movement

Go / No-go Response

Response to the first presentation of a new image - no learning

Data Bank: 40 000 images

Commercialized CDrom

Large variety of photographs

Minimized effect of context

No a priori information about

Images in the food task
Images in the animal task


Categorization of B&W and Color images in monkeys and humans

Both Monkeys and Humans subjects

Advantage in accuracy for colored images decreases
for subject with fast behavioral responses

(published in Vision Research see publication)

Categorization of familiar images versus previously unseen ones

For Monkeys, it's part of their training process.
(pulished in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience see publication)