eeg_checkset | check consistency of dataset fields. |
eeg_emptyset | Initialize an EEG dataset structure with default values. |
eeg_epochformat | Convert the epoch information of a dataset from struct to array or vice versa. |
eeg_eventformat | Convert the event information of a dataset from struct to array or vice versa. |
eeg_getepochevent | Return event field values for all events of one or more types |
eeg_multieegplot | Produce an eegplot() of a the average of an epoched dataset (with optional pre-labelling of specific trials). |
eeg_rejmacro | Internal eeglab macro for all pop_ functions that perform data rejection. |
eeg_rejsuperpose | superpose rejections of a EEG dataset. |
pop_averef | Convert an EEG dataset to average reference. |
pop_comments | Ddd comments to an EEG dataset |
pop_compareerps | Compare the (ERP) averages of two datasets. |
pop_compprop | plot the properties of an independent component. Need to run ICA before using this function. |
pop_copyset | Copy the current dataset into another dataset. |
pop_crossf | Return estimates and plots of event-related (log) spectral coherence amplitudes. |
pop_editeventfield | Load/remove event fields in a dataset. If the EEG dataset is the only inputs, a window pops up to ask for the relevant parameter values. |
pop_editeventvals | Edit events contained in a EEG dataset structure. If the dataset is the only input, a window pops up to ask the user for the relevant parameter values. |
pop_editset | Edit dataset info. |
pop_eegfilt | filter dataset |
pop_eegplot | manual rejection of artifact in a dataset. |
pop_eegthresh | rejection of artifact in a dataset using thresholding (i.e. standard) method. |
pop_envtopo | envtopo function for datasets. Enveloppe of EEG data visualization with head plots of specific components or components of maximum amplitude. |
pop_epoch | epoching a continuous eeglab dataset. |
pop_erpimage | simple erpimage of EEG channels or an independent components with a pop-up window if only two arguments. |
pop_headplot | plot spherically-splined EEG field map on a semi- realistic 3-D head model. |
pop_icathresh | main menu for choosing threshold for component rejection in EEGLAB. |
pop_importdata | Import data from a Matlab variable or from a file. |
pop_importepoch | Export epoch information to the event structure array of an EEG dataset. If the dataset is the only input, a window pops up to ask for the relevant parameter values. |
pop_importevent | Import events in a dataset. If the EEG dataset is the only inputs, a window pops up to ask for the relevant parameter values. |
pop_importpres | append presentation file events into eeglab |
pop_jointprob | rejection of artifact in a dataset using joint probability (i.e. probability of activity). |
pop_loadcnt | load a neuroscan CNT file (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_loaddat | merge a neuroscan DAT file with input dataset (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_loadeeg | load a neuroscan EEG file (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_loadset | load a dataset (pop out window if no arguments) |
pop_loadwks | load a new eeglab workspace (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_mergeset | merge two datasets. If only one argument is given a window pop out to ask for other arguments. |
pop_plotdata | plot average of EEG channels or an independent components. |
pop_plottopo | plot concatenated multichannel data epochs in a topographic format. |
pop_readedf | load a EDF EEG file (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_rejepoch | Reject pre-labeled trials in a EEG dataset. Ask for confirmation and accept the rejection |
pop_rejkurt | rejection of artifact in a dataset using kurtosis of activity (i.e. to detect peaky distribution of activity). |
pop_rejspec | rejection of artifact in a dataset using thresholding of frequencies in the data. |
pop_rejtrend | Detect linear trends in EEG activity and reject the epoched trials based on the accuracy of the linear fit. |
pop_resample | resample dataset (pop up window). |
pop_rmbase | remove baseline from an epoched dataset. |
pop_runica | run ica on a dataset |
pop_saveh | save history |
pop_saveset | save a dataset structure |
pop_savewks | save eeglab workspace (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_select | remove trials and channels from a dataset |
pop_selectcomps | Display components with button to vizualize their properties and label them for rejection. |
pop_selectevent | Find events in a EEG dataset. If the dataset is the only input, a window pops up to ask for the relevant parameter values. |
pop_snapread | load an EEG SnapMaster file (pop out window if no arguments). |
pop_spectopo | spectrum of selected channels with spectrum head plots at specific frequencies. |
pop_subcomp | substract a selected components from a dataset. |
pop_timef | Returns estimates and plots of event-related (log) spectral perturbation (ERSP) and inter-trial coherence (ITC) changes timelocked to a set of input events in one data channel. |
pop_timtopo | timtopo function for datasets. Enveloppe of EEG data visualization with head plots at specific latencies. |
pop_topoplot | plot head of subjects with a pop-up window if only two arguments. |
abspeak | find peak amps/latencies in each row of a single-epoch data matrix |
arrow | Draw a line with an arrowhead. |
averef | convert common-reference EEG data to average reference |
axcopy | move, resize, or copy Matlab axes using the mouse |
binica | Run stand-alone binary version of runica() from the Matlab command line. Saves time and memory. If stored in a file, data are not read into Matlab. |
blockave | make block average of concatenated data sets of same size Each data set is assumed to be of size (chans,frames). |
caliper | Measure a set of spatial components of a given data epoch relative to a reference epoch and decomposition. |
cart2topo | convert xyz-cartesian channel coordinates to polar topoplot coordinates. Input data are points on a sphere around a given [x y z] center or around (0,0,0) {default}. |
cbar | Display full or partial colorbar, choose numeric range |
cell2mat | convert cell array to matrix |
changeunits | Takes one or more points in one axes and gives its position in another axes. Useful for drawing lines between sbplots (see sbplot()). |
chanproj | make a detailed plot of data returned from plotproj() for given channel. Returns the data plotted. |
compdsp | Display standard info figures for a data decomposition Creates four figure windows showing: Component amplitudes, scalp maps, activations and activation spectra. |
compheads | plot multiple topoplot() maps of ICA component topographies |
compmap | Plot multiple topoplot() maps of ICA component topographies Click on an individual map to view separately. |
compplot | plot a data epoch and maps its scalp topography at a given time |
compsort | reorder ICA components, first largest to smallest by the size of their maximum variance in the single-component projections, then (if specified) the nlargest component projections are reordered by the (within-epoch) time point at which they reach their max variance. |
compvar | project selected components and compute the variance of the original signal they account for. |
convolve | convolve two matrices (normalize by the sum of convolved elements to compensate for border effects). |
copyaxis | helper function for axcopy |
covary | For vectors, covary(X) returns the variance of X. For matrices, covary(X)is a row vector containing the variance of each column of X. |
crossf | Returns estimates and plot of event-related coherence (ERC) changes between data from two input channels. The lower panel gives the coherent phase difference between the processes. In this panel, for Ex. -90 degrees (blue) means xdata leads ydata by a quarter cycle. 90 degrees (orange) means ydata leads xdata by a quarter cycle. Click on each subplot to view separately and zoom in/out. |
del2map | compute the discrete laplacian of an EEG distribution. |
dftfilt | discrete Fourier filter |
eegdraw | subroutine used by eegplotold() to plot data. |
eegdrawg | subroutine used by eegplotgold() to plot data. |
eegfilt | (high|low|band)pass filter EEG data using two-way least-squares FIR filtering. Multiple data channels and epochs supported. (Requires the Signal Processing Toolbox) |
eegmovie | Compile and view a Matlab movie. Uses scripts eegplotold() and topoplot(). Use seemovie() to display the movie. |
eegplot | display data in a horizontal scrolling fashion with gui controls (version 3). |
eegplot | display data in a horizontal scrolling fashion with gui controls (version 3). |
eegplot2event | convert eegplot rejections into events compatible with eeglab format for continuous datasets. |
eegplot2trial | convert eegplot rejections into trial and electrode rejections compatible with eeglab format. |
eegplotg | display EEG data in a clinical format >> eegplotg('dataname', samplerate, 'chanfile', 'title', yscaling, range) 'dataname' : quoted name of a desktop global variable (see Ex. below) samplerate : EEG sampling rate in Hz (0 -> default 256 Hz) 'chanfile' : file of channel info in topoplot() style (0 -> channel numbers) 'title' : plot title string (0 -> 'eegplotg()') yscaling : initial y scaling factor (0 - default is 300) range : how many seconds to display in window (0 -> 10) |
eegplots | display data in a clinical format without scrolling >> eegplots(data, srate, 'chanfile', 'title', ... yscaling, epoch, linecolor,xstart,vertmark) data : data matrix (chans,frames) srate : EEG sampling rate in Hz (0 -> 256 Hz) 'chanfile' : file of channel info, topoplot() style, (0 -> chan nos) 'title' : plot title string {0 -> 'eegplots()'} yscaling : initial y scaling factor (0 -> 300) epoch : how many seconds to display in window (0 -> 10 sec) linecolor : color of eeg (0 -> 'y') xstart : start time of the data {0 -> 0} vertmark : vector of frames to mark with vertical lines {0 -> none} |
eegrej | reject eeg regions in continuous eeg data. |
eegthresh | classical trial rejection rejection using a threshold on the raw signal |
entropy | calculation of entropy of a 1D, 2D or 3D array and rejection of odd last dimension values of the input data array using the discrete entropy of the values in that dimension (and using the probability distribution of all columns). |
env | return envelope of rows of a data matrix. |
envproj | plot envelopes of projections of selected ICA component projections against envelope of the original data |
envtopo | Plot a data epoch envelope with envelopes and scalp maps of specified components. Click on individual plots to examine separately (with zoom feature). |
epoch | epoching continuous eeg data array. |
erpave | perform epoch selection plus simple artifact rejection, baseline-zeroing, and/or block averaging |
erpimage | Image single-trial ERPs optionally sorted on and/or aligned to an input variable and smoothed by moving-average (Note: to return event-aligned data without plotting, use eventlock()). Click on axes to examine separately and zoom. |
erpimages | image multiple single-trial ERPs optionally sorted on an input variable and smoothed by moving-average Plot selected single channels in separate panels. |
erpimopt | More erpimage input arguments For other erpimage input arguments, see: >> help erpimage |
eventlock | Time lock data epochs to specified event frames or event x-values. Use to timelock existing data epochs to reaction times or other events |
eyelike | calculate a permutation matrix P and a scaling (diagonal) maxtrix S such that S*P*E is eyelike (so permutation acts on the rows of E). E must be a square matrix. |
fastif | fast if function. |
floatread | Read matrix from float file ssuming four byte floating point number |
floatwrite | Write data matrix to float file. |
gabor2d | generate a 2 dimensional gabor matrice. |
gauss | return a Gaussian window |
gauss2d | generate a 2 dimensional gaussian matrice |
getallmenus | get all submenus of a window or a menu and return a tree. |
gettext | This function prints a dialog box on screen and waits for the user to enter a string. There is a cancel button which returns a value of []. |
gradmap | compute the gradient of an EEG spatial distribution. |
gradplot | Compute the gradient of EEG scalp distribution(s) on a square grid |
h | history function. |
headmovie | Record a Matlab movie of scalp data. Use seemovie() to display the movie. |
headplot | plot a spherically-splined EEG field map on a semi-realistic 3-D head model. Rotate head using left mouse button. |
help2html | convert a Matlab m-file help-message header into an .html help file |
hungarian | Solve the assignment problem using the Hungarian method. |
ica | summary of the signal processing functions of the eeglab toolbox |
icaact | compute ica activation waveforms = weights*sphere*(data-meandata) |
icadefs | file of default filenames and constants to source in the ica /ERP package functions. Insert local dir reference below. |
icademo | a sample ica analysis script using the ICA/ERP package of Matlab functions distributed via |
icaproj | project ica component activations through the associated weight matrices to reconstitute the observed data using only the selected ica components. |
icavar | project ica component activations through the ica weight matrices to reconstitute the observed data using selected ica components. Returns time course of variance on scalp for each component. |
inputgui | a comprehensive gui automatic builder. This function help to create GUI very fast without bothering about the positions of the elements. After creating a geometry, elements just place themselves into the predefined locations. It is especially usefull for figure where you intend to put text button and descriptions. |
jader | blind separation of real signals using JADE (v1.5, Dec. 1997). |
jointprob | rejection of odd columns of a data array using joint probability of the values in that column (and using the probability distribution of all columns). |
kurt | return kurtosis of input data distribution |
laplac2d | generate a 2 dimensional gaussian matrice |
lapplot | Compute the discrete laplacian of EEG scalp distribution(s) |
loadavg | loading eeg average data file from Neuroscan into matlab. |
loadcnt | Load a Neuroscan continuous signal file. |
loaddat | loading neuroscan format data file into matlab. |
loadeeg | load binary eeg file in neuroscan format. |
loadelec | Load electrode names file for eegplot |
loadtxt | load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays |
logimagesc | make an imagesc(0) plot with log y-axis values (ala semilogy()) |
logspec | plot mean log power spectra of submitted data on loglog scale using plotdata() or plottopo() formats |
makeelec | subroutine to make electrode file in eegplot |
makehtml | function generating all the HTML files for files in specific directories |
mat2cell | convert matrix to cell array |
matcorr | Find matching rows in two matrices and their corrs. Uses the Hungarian (default), VAM, or maxcorr assignment methods. (Follow with matperm() to permute and sign x -> y). |
matperm | transpose and sign rows of x to match y (run after matcorr ) |
matsel | select rows, columns, and epochs from given multi-epoch data matrix |
movav | Perform a moving average of data indexed by xvals. Supports use of a moving non-rectangular window. Can be used to resample a data matrix. |
moveaxes | move, resize, or copy Matlab axes using the mouse |
parsetxt | parse text input into cell array |
pcexpand | expand data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) returns data expanded from a principal component subspace [compare pcsquash()] |
pcsquash | compress data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) into a principal component subspace. To project back into the original channel space, use pcexpand |
perminv | returns the inverse permutation vector |
phasecoher | Implements inter-trial amp/coherence using Gaussian wavelets. Removes epoch means. Returns same data length as input frames. Plots results when nargin>6. Outputs have flat ends at data indices [1:halfwin] and [frames-halfwin:frames]. |
plotdata | plot concatenated multichannel data epochs in two-column format |
ploterp | plot a selected multichannel data epoch on a common timebase |
plotproj | plot projections of one or more ica components along with the original data (returns the data plotted) |
plottopo | plot concatenated multichannel data epochs in a topographic format Uses a channel location file with the same format as topoplot() or else plots data on a rectangular grid of axes. |
pophelp | Same as hthelp but does not crash under windows. |
posact | Make runica() activations all RMS-positive. Adjust weights and inverse weight matrix accordingly. |
projtopo | plot projections of one or more ica components along with the original data in a 2-d topographic array. Returns the data plotted. Click on subplot to examine separately. |
promax | perform Promax oblique rotation after orthogonal Varimax rotation of the rows of the input data. A method for linear decomposition by "rotating to simple structure." |
qrtimax | perform Quartimax rotation of rows of a data matrix. |
readedf | read eeg data in EDF format. |
readelp | read electrode position in .elp file |
readelp | read electrode position in .elp file |
readloc | read polar electrode positions from ica toolbox .loc file See >> topoplot example for .loc file format. |
readlocs | read polar electrode positions from ica toolbox |
readlocsold | Read electrode locations file in style of topoplot() or headplot. Output channel information is ordered by channel numbers. |
realproba | compute the effective probability of the value in the sample. |
rejkurt | calculation of kutosis of a 1D, 2D or 3D array and rejection of outliers values of the input data array using the discrete kutosis of the values in that dimension. |
rejstatepoch | reject bad eeg trials based a statistical measure. Can be applied either to the raw eeg data or the ica component activity. This is an interactive function. |
rejtrend | detect linear trends in EEG activity and reject the epoched trials based on the accuracy of the linear fit. |
rmart | Remove eye artifacts from EEG data using regression with multiple time lags. Each channel is first made mean-zero. After JL Kenemans et al., Psychophysiology 28:114-21, 1991. |
rmbase | subtract basevector channel means from multi-epoch data matrix |
rmsave | return the RMS in each channel, epoch |
runica | Perform Independent Component Analysis (ICA) decomposition of psychophysiological data using the infomax ica algorithm of Bell & Sejnowski (1995) with the natural gradient feature of Amari, Cichocki & Yang, the extended-ICA algorithm of Lee, Girolami & Sejnowski, PCA dimension reduction, and/or specgram() preprocessing (suggested by M. Zibulevsky). |
runpca | perform principal component analysis (PCA) using singular value decomposition (SVD) using Matlab svd() or svds() >> inv(eigvec)*data = pc; |
sbplot | create axes in arbitrary subplot grid positions and sizes |
seemovie | see an EEG movie produced by eegmovie |
slider | add slider to a figure |
snapread | Read data in Snap-Master Standard Binary Data File Format Reads Snap-Master header and data matrix (nchans,nframes). Ref: Users Guide, Snap-Master for Windows (1997) p. 4-19 |
spectopo | Plot the mean log spectrum of a set of data epochs at all channels as a bundle of traces. At specified frequencies, plot the relative topographic distribution of power. Uses Matlab psd() from signal processing toolbox. |
sph2topo | Convert from a 3-column headplot file in spherical coordinates to a 3-column topoplot file in polar (not cylindrical) coords. Used for topoplot() and other 2-d topographic plotting programs. Assumes a spherical coordinate system in which horizontal angles has a range [-180,180] with zero pointing to the right ear. In the output polar coordinate system, zero points to the nose. |
spher | return the sphering matrix for given input data |
spherror | cart2topo sub function to compute minimum distance of carthesian coordinates to a sphere |
supergui | a comprehensive gui automatic builder. This function help to create GUI very fast without bothering about the positions of the elements. After creating a geometry, elements just place themselves into the predefined locations. It is especially usefull for figure where you intend to put text button and descriptions. |
testica | Test the runica function's ability to separate synthetic sources. Use the input variables to estimate the (best) decomposition accuracy for a given data set size. |
textgui | make sliding vertical window. This window contain text with optional function calls at each line. |
textsc | places text in screen coordinates and places a title at the top of the figure. |
tftopo | Generates a figure that shows a selected ERSP or ITC image from a supplied set of nchans images, plus topoplot()'s of scalp distributions at sepcified time / frequency points. Inputs may be outputs of timef() |
timef | Returns estimates and plots of event-related (log) spectral perturbation (ERSP) and inter-trial coherence (ITC) changes timelocked to a set of input events in one data channel. * Uses either fixed-window, zero-padded FFTs (fastest), wavelet 0-padded DFTs (both Hanning-tapered), OR multitaper ('mtaper'). * For the wavelet and FFT methods, uutput frequency spacing is the lowest frequency (srate/winsize) divided by the padratio. NaN input values (such as returned by eventlock) are ignored. * If 'alpha' is given, then bootstrap statistics are computed (from a distribution of 'naccu' surrogate data epochs) and non-significant features of the output plots are zeroed out (i.e., plotted in green). * Given a 'topovec' topo vector and 'elocs' electrode location file, the figure also shows a topoplot() of the specified scalp map. * Note: Left-click on subplots to view them in separate windows. |
timefdetails | details of the timef function parameters for time/frequency analysis of event-related 1-channel multi-epoch data. |
timefrq | progressive Power Spectral Density estimates on a single EEG channel using out-of-bounds and muscle activity rejection tests. Uses Matlab FFT-based psd(). |
timtopo | plot a data epoch and map its scalp topography at given times |
topo2sph | convert a topoplot() style 2-D polar-coordinates channel locations file to a 3-D spherical-angle file for use with headplot |
topoimage | plot concatenated multichannel time/frequency images in a topographic format Uses a channel location file with the same format as topoplot() or else plots data on a rectangular grid of axes. Click on individual images to examine separately. |
topoplot | plot a topographic map of an EEG field as a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head) using cointerpolation on a fine cartesian grid. |
tree | Make a hierarchical (tree-diagram) component plot. Use successive calls to this function to build the full plot. |
tutorial | Bring up the ica / electrophysiology toolbox tutorial in a browser window (see docopt.m in the toolbox dir). Tutorial URL: Download: See |
varimax | Perform orthogonal Varimax rotation on rows of a data matrix. |
varsort | reorder ica components, largest to smallest, by the size of their MEAN projected variance across all time points |
zica | Z-transform of ica activations; useful for studying component SNR |