2. EEG artifact removal using Blind Source Separation
Severe contamination of EEG activity by eye movements, blinks, muscle, heart and line noise is a serious problem for EEG interpretation and analysis. Many methods have been proposed to remove eye movement and blink artifacts from EEG recordings:
•Simply rejecting contaminated EEG epochs results in a considerable loss of collected information.
•Often regression in the time or frequency domain is performed on simultaneous EEG and electrooculographic (EOG) recordings to derive parameters characterizing the appearance and spread of EOG artifacts in the EEG channels. However, EOG records also contain brain signals, so regressing out EOG activity inevitably involves subtracting a portion of the relevant EEG signal from each recording as well.
•Since many noise sources, include muscle noise, electrode noise and line noise, have no clear reference channels, regression methods cannot be used to removed them.
We propose to apply ICA to multichannel EEG recordings and remove a wide variety of artifacts from EEG records by eliminating the contributions of artifactual sources onto the scalp sensors. Our results show that ICA can effectively detect, separate and remove activity in EEG records from a wide variety of artifactual sources, with results comparing favorably to those obtained using regression-based and Principal Component Analysis methods.
ICA Assumptions
ICA-based artifact correction can separate and remove a wide variety of artifacts from EEG data by linear decomposition. The ICA method is based on the assumptions that the time series recorded on the scalp:
•are spatially stable mixtures of the activities of temporally independent cerebral and artifactual sources, that
•the summation of potentials arising from different parts of the brain, scalp, and body is linear at the electrodes, and that
•propagation delays from the sources to the electrodes are negligible.
Assumptions two and three above are quite reasonable for EEG (or MEG) data. Given enough input data, the first assumption is reasonable as well. The method uses spatial filters derived by the ICA algorithm, and does not require a reference channel for each artifact source. Once the independent time courses of different brain and artifact sources are extracted from the data, artifact-corrected EEG signals can be derived by eliminating the contributions of the artifactual sources.
The figure below presents a schematic illustration of the procedure (Click on figure to expand). In EEG analysis, the rows of the input matrix, X, are EEG signals recorded at different electrodes and the columns are measurements recorded at different time points (left). ICA finds an `unmixing' matrix, W, which decomposes or linearly unmixes the multi-channel scalp data into a sum of temporally independent and spatially fixed components. The rows of the output data matrix, U = WX, are time courses of activation of the ICA components. The columns of the inverse matrix, inv(W), give the relative projection strengths of the respective components at each of the scalp sensors (right). These scalp weights give the scalp topography of each component, and provide evidence for the components' physiological origins. For instance:
Some Useful Heuristics
•Eye movements should project mainly to frontal sites with a lowpass time course.
•Eye blinks should project to frontal sites and have large punctate activations.
W = weights * sphere;
Our approach to artifact correction using ICA is available in two journal articles:
•Jung T-P, Makeig S, Humphries C , Lee TW, McKeown MJ, Iragui V, and Sejnowski TJ, "Removing Electroencephalographic Artifacts by Blind Source Separation," Psychophysiology, 37:163-78, 2000 (.pdf, 1.3Mb).
•Jung T-P, Makeig S, Westerfield W, Townsend J, Courchesne E, and Sejnowski TJ, "Removal of eye activity artifacts from visual event-related potentials in normal and clinical subjects," Clinical Neurophysiology 111:1745-58, 2000 (.pdf, 4.9Mb).
•Other relevant references:
•Makeig S, Bell AJ, Jung T-P, and Sejnowski TJ, "Independent component analysis of Electroencephalographic data." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, 145-151,1996.
•Jung T-P, Humphries C, Lee TW, Makeig S, McKeown MJ, Iragui V, and Sejnowski TJ, "Extended ICA Removes Artifacts from Electroencephalographic Recordings", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10:894-900, 1998.
•Jung T-P, Humphries C, Lee TW, Makeig S, McKeown MJ, Iragui V, and Sejnowski TJ, "Removing Electroencephalographic Artifacts : Comparison between ICA and PCA", In: Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 63-72, 1998.
•Jung T-P, Makeig S, Westerfield M, Townsend J, Courchesne E, and Sejnowski TJ, "Analyzing and Visualizing Single-trial Event-related Potentials," In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 11:118-24, 1999.
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This section on artifact rejection by
Tzyy-Ping Jung & Scott Makeig jung@sccn.ucsd.edu
We welcome comments and suggestions. scott@sccn.ucsd.edu
ICA separates underlying brain and artifactual sources.
EEG artifact removal with Blind Source Separation