Klaus Gramann Grants

DFG-Project GR2627/1-1
Electrocortical Correlates of visual search for pop-out targets
(Elektrokortikale Korrelate der visuellen Suche nach pop-out Zielreizen)
German Research Foundation

DFG-Project GR2627/2-1  
Strategies in spatial orienting: neuroanatomical and electrocortical basis of egocentric and allocentric reference frames
(Strategien räumlicher Orientierung: neuroanatomische und elektrokortikale Grundlagen ego- und allozentrischer Referenzsysteme)
German Research Foundation'

DFG-Graduate School
Orientation and Motion in Space

Parmenides Foundation 
EEG-Hardware 128-channel cap, student helper

Brain Products  
Network Software Brain Vision Analyzer

Department Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, UCSD