Are you sure you want to upload/update plug-in?

This form is for submitting a plugin for inclusion in the plugin manager. Do not use this form to install EEGLAB plugins. Instead use menu item “File > Manage EEGLAB extensions” or download zip files from this page and unzip them in the plugins subfolder of EEGLAB.

EEGLAB Extension/plug-in Upload




Notes: Please fill in all requested information on the Extension Upload form. The folder name in EEGLAB plugin directory will be the official abbreviation for your extension plus the version number. For example, for extension 'ZLAB' version 1.0 the folder name will be 'ZLAB1.0'. This is irrespective of how you name your ZIP file or the content of your ZIP. Thus extension names may not end with a number.

The extension description you enter will be how it is described to potential EEGLAB users; your description should describe the problem and analysis approach your extension addresses.

When we process your submission, we will screen it for potential user security threats. We also check to see that the EEGLAB menu links work. However, we will not check the validity of your method.

Your extension will be stored on our servers. The advantage of this is that it minimizes the chance for immediate or future broken links, and can also discourage any attempt to take advantage of EEGLAB user trust.

For each revision you make to your extension, you should upload a new submission on this page. Using the new EEGLAB extension facility, EEGLAB users will see that you have updated your extension, and can install your update from within their EEGLAB session.

Also, let us know ( if you want to use the EEGLAB wiki for your extension documentation.