[Eeglablist] ICA identification of sub-gaussian components

Thomas Witzel witzel at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 28 13:18:00 PDT 2005


I have been using runica to identify artifact components from MEG data. This
works fairly well, however I'd be very interested in extracting the 60 Hz
component. I used runica with 'extended',-1, but this resulted only in slower
convergence, but no 60 Hz component was extracted. The 60 remains in
essentially all components the same way. Is there anything I can do to tackle
this problem ?

I'm doing the ICA separately on the magnetometer and gradiometer data and I
perform a PCA in my own software first. I tried using 20 and 40 PCA components
for the ICA, both with no success. Lowpass on the data was 200 Hz.

Thank you very much,
Thomas Witzel

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