[Eeglablist] How can I get the reference paper on DIPFIT?

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at fcdonders.ru.nl
Thu Sep 15 09:11:55 PDT 2005

Hi Lim,

On 13-sep-2005, at 16:52, youbie wrote:
> I am interested in DIPFIT algorithm for source localization.
> So I want to read some papers related to the algorithm.
DIPFIT implements the non-linear fitting of a single or a two-dipole  
model to explain the potential distribution. During the fit, the  
residual error, i.e. the difference between the model potential and  
the measured potential is minimized.

You might want to look up for example the original work of Michael  
   Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1986 Sep;65(5):344-60.
   Evoked dipole source potentials of the human auditory cortex.
   Scherg M, Von Cramon D.
and search for references to this paper.

Furthermore, the following paper might be helpfull
   Clin Neurophysiol. 2004 Oct;115(10):2195-222.
   EEG source imaging.
   Michel CM, Murray MM, Lantz G, Gonzalez S, Spinelli L, Grave de  
Peralta R.
and the references that are mentioned in this paper.

best regards,
Robert Oostenveld

Robert Oostenveld, PhD
F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
Radboud University Nijmegen
phone: +31-24-3619695

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