[Eeglablist] GUI vs command line

Arnaud Delorme arno at salk.edu
Mon Nov 7 13:00:33 PST 2005

> >> epocheddata = epoch(EEG, [1:100000000], [-0.5 1]);

The second argument is the latency of data events in points. The command 
above means that you will extract one event at every point.

> stimtype = type, but the associated latency values, event(1).latency 
> might equal 3608, and event(1).offset (when the command line call is 
> used) = 3607. 

This is because the first sample point in EEGLAB is 1 and it is 0 in 
Neuroscan (so there is 1 difference).

> Can I just set event(1).latency = event(1).offset for all events

Yes, but add one to event.offset. You probably did not copy the 
loadcnt.m function to the right folder or EEGLAB would be using it.

> , and urevent = 1 for all events?

Just remove the urevent field.



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