[Eeglablist] ANT EEG/ERP system

Yang Zhang zhang470 at umn.edu
Sun Dec 18 10:24:18 PST 2005


I am wondering if anyone is using the ANT EEG/ERP system or has had the 
experience of using the system for your experiments. How does it compare 
to Neuroscan, Biosemi, BrainProducts, Geodesic? Is the ANT hardware the 
same as BrainProducts?

ANT also introduced a new electrode cap (WaveGuard) that uses active 
shielding. How much time does it save by using the active shielding caps 
compared to the conventional ones such as Electrocap (for a 64- or 128- 
channel system)? Does it affect  the quality of the data in terms of s/n 

Your expertise is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Yang Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
University of Minnesota
49 Shevlin Hall, 164 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Email:  zhang470 at umn.edu
Office: (612) 624-7818

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