[Eeglablist] High Performance Signal Analysis Tools (HiPerSAT)

Chris Hoge hoge at cs.uoregon.edu
Tue Jan 31 19:57:21 PST 2006


The Neuroinformatics Center at the University of Oregon is pleased to  
announce the version 1.0 release of our High Performance Signal  
Analysis Tools (HiPerSAT). HiPerSAT is a library and set of tools  
supporting EEG analysis. It is implemented in C++ and uses of MPI and  
OpenMP to take advantage of parallel computing resources (although  
the library works fine without either).

This first release includes standalone implementations of the  
Infomax, FastICA and SOBI algorithms. These implementations are based  
on the EEGLab modules, although not all of the features available in  
EEGLab have been implemented yet. In addition to the standalone tools  
we have also included Matlab and EEGLab integration.

We hope that the EEGLab community will find these tools useful.  
Please download them and give us feedback. Bug reports, feature  
requests and comments are always welcome. To keep HiPerSAT traffic  
from being too disruptive to the eeglab mailing lists we have set up  
two HiPerSAT specific mailing lists: hipersat-users at http:// 
nic.uoregon.edu/mailman/listinfo/hipersat-users and hipersat-announce  
at http://nic.uoregon.edu/mailman/listinfo/hipersat-announce .  
hipersat-users is the general mailing list for support, bug reports,  
feature requests and general discussion. hipersat-announce is the  
lower traffic list where only updates will be announced. We will make  
announcements on both lists, so you will only need to subscribe to  
one. The HiPerSAT maintainer (at this point in time, me) can always  
be reached at hipersat at nic.uoregon.edu.

The URL for HiPerSAT is http://www.nic.uoregon.edu/hipersat/index.php

We have a source release available, as well as a binary release for  
Mac OS X. We have also included a large test data set to verify the  
integrity of the algorithms. On that page you can find our technical  
report describing the implementation and performance of the toolkit.

Thanks for your time. We look forward to your responses and suggestions.

Chris Hoge
HiPerSAT maintainer
Neuroinformatics Center, University of Oregon

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