[Eeglablist] electrode location coordinates

Maro Machizawa m.machizawa at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Dec 13 04:44:52 PST 2006

Dear Users,

I have a problem registering electrode location in EEGLAB. I have a set of theta and phi angles
(coordinates); however, they don't match with EEGLAB's one.

I attached  a text file contains theta and phi coordinates. (we have easycap's M10 cap).
Theta is the angle between the Z-Axis and the connecting line from the origin of the coordinates and 
the electrode position. In the left hemisphere Theta is less than zero, in the right hemisphere it 
is larger.
Phi is the angle between: 1. the projection of the connecting line from the origin of the 
coordinates and the electrode position onto the XY-plane and 2. the X-axis. Phi is greater zero in 
the front right and rear left quadrant and smaller zero in the front left and the rear right 

I just need to input electrode locations in EEGLAB and create location file. If anyone can help me 
to go through this step, it will be greatly helpful.

Best Wishes,

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