[Eeglablist] line noise re-revisited...again

Ernesto Pereda eperdepa at ull.es
Tue Feb 12 00:45:10 PST 2008

Dear Paul:

There is also a basic electrical issue, that if you use long wires from 
the head to the computer then your signal attenuate, as the resistance 
of the wire is proportional to the distance. Apart from this, I think 
the answer of the other member of the list is right, only that it helps 
a lot if you are carrying out the record in an isolated ward (Faraday 
cage or similar)


Dr. Ernesto Pereda
Dept. de Física Básica, Facultad de Física y Matemáticas
Universidad de La Laguna, Avda. Astrofísico Fco. Sánchez s/n
38205, La Laguna, Tenerife, SPAIN
e-mail: eperdepa at ull.es
phone: +34 922318654 fax: +34 922318228
web: http://webpages.ull.es/users/eperdepa/cv.htm

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