[Eeglablist] ERP/T-test

Arnaud Delorme arno at sccn.ucsd.edu
Sun Apr 20 13:43:58 PDT 2008

Dear Gopakumar,

> Dear EEGLAB experts please pardon my ignorance when I ask:
> i) I have epoched data (-150-0-3400ms long with 954 data points). These 
> epochs or averages were obtained using an MEG where continous data 
> was averaged to two triggers. They produced two files: one for the word 
> condition and, one for the non-word condition. I have 12 separate files 
> for each condition.
> ii) The MEG data was imported using the import function (4d 
> neuroimaging option) and saved as *.set files.
> iii) EEG data that was concurrently obtained was saved separately and 
> also imported (neuroscan.eeg option) from neuroscan.avg files and also 
> saved as a separate set of *.set files.
> iv) I also installed grandaverage 1.0 (Widmann) and it seems to work 
> well from the command line.
> v) I intend to direcly do the paired t-test between the two 
> conditions for each the two modalities(or sets of files) separately
> vi) would you be kind enough to tell me what can be done and the 
> most expeditious route. Something as simple as Start>create study> so 
> on would be fine.
> vii)The functions PLOT, TOOLS seemed are greyed out and not 
> functional,which is why I am asking these question. I really wonder if 
> I have to download eegtoolbox for these functionalities or are they 
> included in eeg_current, plus the plugins?

Yes, you may create a simple STUDY to plot grand average ERPs and 
compute a t-test. Alternatively you could use the "Tools > Compare ERPs" 
menu or the "Grand average plugin" (not installed by default.

The menus "PLOT" and "TOOLS" are greyed out when you work on a STUDY 
because you cannot use them. If you switch to a dataset, you will be 
able to use them again.

Best regards,


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