[Eeglablist] Re-Referencing Biosemi additional channels

Jörg Fachner jofachne at campus.jyu.fi
Wed Apr 23 06:04:20 PDT 2008

Hi All,

1) how can I re-reference 32 EEG channels to 2 recorded  left and  
right mastoid channels (EXG) in order have them as unipolar  
references of each hemisphere?
2) While checking possible solutions I have seen that when using one  
of these mastoid channels as a reference also the other additional  
data channels (like EOG, Temperature or  an audio event channel on  
Biosemi  ERG1) will be re-referenced. So what can I do to leave such  
channels untouched for re-referencing?
3) When de-selecting such channels in EEGLAB how is it possible to  
get them back in to the dataset?
4) All additional EXG channels were administered and mounted as  
suggested from Biosemi Active II manual. Is there already a standard  
location file somewhere that could be loaded for the channellist?
Maybe I have missed important information displayed somewhere on the  
list or in the tutorials but maybe somebody knows more about this?

Jörg F.

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