[Eeglablist] ERSP/ITC data across electrodes and subjects.

TH Lee tothememory at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 02:54:48 PDT 2008

Hi all:
I have asked this question before one week. 
However, still no answer.

After i posted the question, 
I've got files such as "*. datersp" or "*.datitc" through precomputing
STUDY function. Inside those files, i've found the computed data
assigned at each channel (e.g. chan10_.ersp)
But i can't find the way how i handle those matrix for
averaging time-frequency value across the electrode and subject.  
According to the literatures what I read, researchers analyzed the
averaged data across electrodes instead of analyzing ICA component (e.g.
C. Kranczioch, 2007 Neuroimage).  Like this, I also want to use
electrode data instead of ICA component. (Another reason is that i
collected the EEG activity through rather small electrode number, 16ch).

I hope someone could help me.
If there is a matlab code for this, Please let me know. 

Thank you,


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