[Eeglablist] Single trial data in newtimef()

Sascha Frühholz fruehholz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 11:23:24 PDT 2011

Dear all,


I have a few question regarding single trial data which result from the
newtimef() function when doing t-f-decompositions:


1.       newtimef() gives me the single trial data stored in “alltfdata”.
The data are in complex format. Is there a way to get the data also in the
same time-by-frequency power format as for the mean “ersp” output (log scale
or absolute scale)?

2.       I define a prestimulus period for basline correction using the
‘trialbase’ option. Are the single trial data in “alltfdata” baseline
corrected using this baseline specification? In the documentation to
newtimef() it is written somewhere, that single trial baseline correction
has to be done manually. Is the ‘trialbase’ option already sufficient or do
I have to do it manually?

3.       Is there a difference between “alltfdata” and “alltfX”?






Sascha Fruehholz

Department of Psychology

University of Geneva

40 bd du Pont d'Arve

CH-1205 Genève

Phone:  ++41-22-37-99455




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